The Light Archetype
The Light Archetype is led by the Spirit of Reason. It is the leader of the archetypes and like Darkness, is an element of Order. It is primal in a fashion – giving off an energy of the archetypal King, Queen, or Mother or Father. Fully accessing it is like divinity, but will place upon you the burden of leadership.
Those who fall within this archetype are natural leaders. Even if they do not wish to take on that burden or even the idea of the title of leader, they still find themselves trying to establish order where others might feel it’s not needed. Planning a family dinner, establishing who’s in charge of driving to a hike, and feeling a sense of responsibility at making sure all in a group are feeling good are just some of the burdens those within this archetype might take upon them without asking.
When we think of Royalty in our culture, it is a toxic representation that makes us think of traditions that no longer make sense, of oppression, of classism, and colonialism. But when thinking of this archetype, remember that the healthy representation of the mature Royal is of providing order, fertility, and blessing. Reality is organized by them. Beyond their order is chaos. There are clear boundaries in the healthy Light energy. Stability. Responsibility. If you find yourself feeling insecure about being within this archetype, latch onto those ideas of the archetype, rather than the toxic ones created by the shadow forms of loyalty.
Those who fall within this archetype have a very strict sense of order that they expect of others, but expect it of themselves most of all. The balanced form of this archetype doesn’t just provide order, but the stability needed to grow. It bestows people with honor and rewards.
But the imbalanced form of this archetype is when they retreat into themselves, they can become the shadow king, either a tyrant or a weakling. Both driven by insecurity and unprocessed emotion. They project their own cowardice onto others, which can turn into lashing out at those who look to them for guidance.
Think of others who fall within this archetype, Mufasa, Leonardo, Theoden, King Arthur, George Bailey. A great leader learns to stop projecting their own desires and insecurities onto others and instead truly sees the greatness within them, and without ego, helps inspire them to be truly themselves.
We live in a world that is ruled by Shadow Kings and other imbalanced forms of this archetype. Do not shirk your internal desire to set things at order because toxicity has tainted this archetype’s reputation. It can only be remedied by those who lead with honor and sees the greatness in others. Who leads out of love and order, rather than of greed and pride.
Titles of those who fall within the Light Archetype
The Philosopher King
The Philosopher Queen
The Philosopher Eminent
The Conquering King
The Conquering Queen
The Conquering Eminent
The Altruist Chief
The Vagabond Chief
The Inculpable Prince
The Inculpable Princess
The Inculpable Eminent
The Orphaned Pharoah
A note about your archetype’s title. These are fluid. If a title doesn’t feel quite right, feel free to find synonyms that capture the essence of this combination of archetypes. The Vagabond Chief can be easily be the Wandering King. The Philosopher King can just as easily be the Royal Magi. Experiment until you find the right combination.
To review your results again . . .