About the Author


About the Author

Jacob Ethan Gibson was raised on the outskirts of Las Vegas, Nevada. He grew up exploring the desert and its strange properties. But while wandering the desert under a new moon one fateful night, Jacob accidentally passed through a portal into the astral plane. Though he doesn’t speak of this experience, he has devoted his life to finding a way back.

If anyone asks, the author is NOT spending a nickel in astral prison, instead, he currently lives out of a camper bus with his cat, Butch Catsidy. Jacob has found that the life of a nomad is much more natural for an author and denies any reports that he might be fleeing bankruptcy or even something he may have unleashed from the void.

As such, if you happen upon a camper bus bearing the insignia of the flickering candle, the author kindly asks that you not reveal his location to anyone asking, though again, not because of any escaped Astral Fiends, nor overeager creditors, nor even that alien he did drugs with once, who he promised to call once he got out of astral prison, but honestly probably won’t—and really, doesn’t everyone prefer texting now? She really expects a phone call? C’mon.